
White Light


「WHITE LIGHT」は、自然物と人工物、蕾と花、葉の裏と表のような相反する関係性から全体を形成した「時空間」を表現した作品群です。作品中の花はアーティスト自らが生けています。

"WHITE LIGHT" is a series of works expressing "time and space" formed as a whole from conflicting relationships such as natural and artificial, bud and flower, and the back and front of a leaf. The flowers are arranged by the artist himself.




The "Ushirouomiruhana" is one of the forms of flowers mentioned in the Muromachi period (1336-1573). The phrase "Ushirouomiru" means to look at flowers with backlighting, or to arrange flowers with the feeling of looking at them with backlighting. The backlit view is like a shadow picture, where perspective disappears and the transparent flower blends into the light, creating an image (heart) of unity. I would like to offer you "Ushirouomiru Hana" in the hope that it will brighten your heart with the "spirit of unity" that is necessary for this time and age.